Fibrocystic Breasts

Lucina Women's Health

Minimally Invasive Surgery & OBGYNs located in Boca Raton, FL & Boynton Beach, FL

With 30-60% of all women having noncancerous fibrocystic breasts, you may wonder if they can cause concern. At Lucina Women's Health and Midwifery in Boca Raton, Pompano Beach, Parkland, Wellington, and Boynton Beach, Florida, the expert medical team can guide you on ways to diminish symptoms of fibrocystic breasts and provide treatment if needed. If you have concerns about lumpy tissue in your breasts, book an appointment today by phone or online.

Fibrocystic Breasts Q&A

What are fibrocystic breasts?

Fibrocystic breasts, also known as fibrocystic breast changes or fibrocystic breast disease, refer to a benign (noncancerous) condition characterized by lumpy or rope-like breast tissue and fluid-filled cysts. These changes can lead to breast pain, tenderness, swelling, and sometimes, nipple discharge. 

Fibrocystic breasts are common and affect you at some point in your life, particularly during your reproductive age.

What causes fibrocystic breasts?

The exact cause of fibrocystic breasts isn’t fully understood, but hormonal fluctuations may play a significant role. 

Changes in hormone levels, particularly estrogen and progesterone, throughout your menstrual cycle can contribute to the development of fibrocystic breast changes. In addition, hormonal fluctuations associated with menopause or hormone replacement therapy can also influence breast tissue composition.

I have fibrocystic breasts. Are they dangerous to my health?

If you have fibrocystic breasts, it doesn’t mean you have an increased risk of breast cancer. However, the presence of fibrocystic changes can sometimes make it more challenging to detect breast cancer through imaging tests like mammograms, as the dense breast tissue can obscure abnormalities. 

If you have fibrocystic breasts, you must continue participating in routine breast cancer screenings and discuss any concerns with your Lucina Women’s Health and Midwifery provider.

How are fibrocystic breasts treated?

Treatment for fibrocystic breasts often focuses on managing symptoms and providing relief from discomfort and may include:

Pain relief

Ibuprofen or acetaminophen — over-the-counter pain relievers —  can help alleviate breast pain and discomfort.

Hormonal therapy

Your Lucina Women’s Health and Midwifery professional may discuss birth control pills or other prescribed hormonal medications to help regulate your hormone levels and reduce symptoms.

Topical treatments

Applying heat packs or cold compresses to your breasts can help relieve pain and inflammation.

Dietary modifications

You may find that reducing caffeine intake or increasing dietary fiber can help alleviate symptoms of fibrocystic breasts.

Supportive bras

Wearing a well-fitting, supportive bra can provide added comfort and reduce breast pain associated with fibrocystic changes.


In some cases, if you have severe or persistent symptoms, your provider may recommend further evaluation or treatment options, such as drainage of fluid-filled cysts or, rarely, surgical removal of problematic areas of breast tissue. However, conservative measures and regular monitoring can effectively manage most cases of fibrocystic breasts.


Call for an evaluation today, or book an appointment online any time, day or night.

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